Thursday, March 30, 2023

Mehmet Ali Sanlikol, A Gentleman of Istanbul, Symphony for Strings, Percussion, Piano, Oud, Ney and Tenor, George Lernis Conducts A Far Cry


Not only are there a good deal of things new under the sun these days, even the sun itself is subject to renewal and becomes somehow new ever again as all the universe gets subjected both to steady-state and transformational forces. I am reminded of this daily as I go out to my mailbox and find regularly that lurking within the mailbox there is New Music to hear. 

Just lately I was sent a most interesting release that combines the Folk-Classical viewpoint of historical modern Turkey with the Western Modern Classical symphonic view as we experience it in our world today. I refer to composer Mehmet Ali Sanlikol's A Gentleman of Istanbul, A Symphony for Strings, Percussion, Piano, Oud, Ney and Tenor  (Crier Records CR2301). It brings to us the Boston-based ensemble named A Far Cry under the direction of George Lernis. They acquit themselves most impressively, balancing the amalgam of stylistic contrasts and making it all seem inevitable, spirited and effortless, though of course here as elsewhere that is rather never quite an easy task. 

From the wondrous passages for oud and strings to the Jazz  harmonic brilliance of piano and rhythm to passages incorporating Ney Flute and vocal singing and chanting, this is music decidedly inventive and interesting, the Postmodern Classical elements mingling deftly with Mideastern Turkish melodic fluid distinctions. It all works together well and keeps your attention with substantial composed lyrical and motility content of a high caliber. Neither the Western symphonic nor the Turkish elements are simple rote presences but originally full, vibrant and memorable throughout. This is a Fusion far beyond what initial throat clearing one might have heard a few decades back. It has more content than function of course here, but this music might have excelled in its own way as a film soundtrack though again, there is not a cliche to be heard.

If this be Fusion, which of course it is, it takes nothing for granted and in so doing avoids the banal and the conventional to create a living art music we can all appreciate given half a chance. Mehmet Ali Sanlikol is a voice for today, talented and accessible in the best ways. I recommend this without reservations. Listen to this live excerpt to get a concrete idea of what you will hear.

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